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giz (deutsche gesellschaft für internationale zusammenarbeit) in coordination with the department of vocational training in the lebanese ministry of education and the chamber of commerce, industry, and agriculture of zahle and bekaa (cciaz) organized a round table meeting to discuss the "promotion of vocational education and small and medium enterprise development in lebanon". the meeting was held on thursday 3 march 2011 at 2.00 pm in the chamber of commerce, industry, and agriculture in zahle. the director of jlss, rev. george d. haddad, attended the meeting, along with the head of the vocational department, mr. joseph bou semaan, and its program coordinator, mr. nasr debs. jlss was delighted to participate in this meeting, as it was the first to  coordinate with the chamber in zahle, upon the advice of its partners in germany and switzerland, in order to bring the private sector represented by the local industries, chambers, and association, as full partners in dual system vocational training. it was exactly for this purpose that we held the vocational consultation with the local industry and chamber in zahle on monday 7 september 2009.
the round table meeting started with addresses by mr. edmond jreissati, president of cciaz, mr. michael bierhoff, counselor of the federal republic of germany, and the delegate representing mr. ahmad diab, the director general of the department of vocational training.
ms. sonia fontaine, head of the giz program for the promotion of vocational education and small and medium enterprise development in lebanon, gave a short introduction about the purpose and expectations of this meeting.
mr. carlos nafaa (giz) highlighted the work that has already been done in lebanon with ds vocational training expressing his hopes and expectations for a very successful future.
giz round table meeting in zahle chamber mr. youssef geha, general director of cciaz, spoke about the role of the chamber (cciaz) in linking the private sector with the parties involved in vocational training.
the director of bekaa technical institute, mr. mohammad el-hajj ahmad then spoke about the dual system program in the bekaa from his experience of the last fifteen years, emphasizing the dual system profile, specialization, and possible links with the labor market.
he was followed by mr. tony skaff, the coordinator of zahle technical school, who spoke about the collaboration between technical schools and companies emphasizing the role of coordinators and their success factors.
after the coffee break all present broke into two working groups to develop ideas for better cooperation and to identify common activities.
the first group was moderated by mrs. maria rizkallah and its topic was short term technical training courses and programs.
the second group was moderated by mrs. nada melki and its topic was promotion of sme interests in the dual system. the question of defining the role of the chamber, associations, and local industry in the dual system of vocational training was the topic of discussion.
the meeting was concluded with wrap-up presentations of the findings of both groups.
a reception kindly hosted by the chamber followed.
we express our sincere gratitude to all the participants, especially giz and the chamber in zahle, for this wonderful meeting. although very few representatives of the local industries and associations attended, the ground was laid for the chamber to  take its role as the mediator and facilitator between the vocational schools and the local industries. it will be the institution that will collect and channel information between schools and industries regarding the needs of the local market and the programs the schools need to offer. it will also provide schools with lists of industries interested in being involved in dual system vocational training through accepting ds students in their workshops and factories. the meeting also provided a wonderful opportunity to explain the importance of dual system vocational training to directors of local industries, and to start cooperation that will move the ds vocational training program to include them as full partners and participants.
we congratulate giz, dgvet, and the chamber in zahle (cciaz) for a very successful meeting.
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