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GIZ Carpentry Training Program in JLSS

GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) organized a woodworking training course in JLSS from MondayGIZ Woodworking Course 2012 17 till Friday 21 September 2012. The title of the course was: Introduction to the Basic Woodworking Program.
It was lead by Wolfgang Altenburg, Joerg Zimmermann, Josef Nasr and Assaad El-Najjar.
Wood-working trainers from all over Lebanon attended the course.
All the wood, tools, and materials for the training course were provided by GIZ.
It was a return to the basics of carpentry, and trainers had an excellent refresher course in the basics of using hand-tools and other carpentry skills. GIZ Woodworking Course 2012
Carpentry, as taught in Lebanon, always lacked basic training for using hand-tools. Trainers always took those skills for granted and thus the skills were really never mastered. This course set trainer on the right track emphasizing the basic skill of carpentry without which no perfect job can be achieved.
We express our thanks to GIZ for this excellent course and we especially thank the trainers who lead this wonderful course.

Schneller School Name in Arabic
Johann Ludwig Schneller Schule

Education for Peace since 1860