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Os dados mais recentes do Censo Demográfico 2023, revelados nesta sexta-feira pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), mostram que a população indígena quase dobrou (89%), no comparativo com a divulgação anterior, de 2010. De acordo com o Censo, o número que contempla os povos originários no Brasil era no ano passado 1

quesitos de cor ou raça e se considera indígena.

'Terra do Sol Nascente' à brasileira: cidade com maior proporção de amarelos foi fundada por japonesesCenso: conheça a cidade mais indígena do país, onde 19 a cada 20 pessoas pertencem a povos tradicionais

Se a comparação for estendida para o intervalo entre 1991 e 2023, que compreende desde o início das divulgações do IBGE neste segmento, por grupo étnico-racial, o aumento é ainda maior: os indígenas saem de apenas 0

aferição para 0,83% hoje reportados.

Em contrapartida, o número de pessoas amarelas apresentou decréscimo significativo: são, na última pesquisa divulgada, 850.130 brasileiros identificados com esta cor ou raça. Isso representa uma perda de quase 60% no comparativo com 2010, quando o grupo passava de pouco mais de dois milhões, mostram os dados. (a)

Na pesquisa de 2023, a IBGE elaborou uma mensagem de confirmação ao informante com a descrição do que é

impactou nos resultados. Assim, a população amarela retoma os patamares próximos aos aferidos nas pesquisas realizadas entre 1991 e 2000, quando era representada por 630.658 e 761.583 pessoas, respectivamente.

O IBGE utiliza o conceito de “raça” como uma categoria socialmente construída na interação social e não como um conceito biológico. Na pesquisa, cada pessoa responde ao IBGE asaout pokerpercepção sobre a cor ou raça a que pertence, baseado em critérios como

etnia e pertencimento comunitário, entre outros. Além disso, o instituto afirma que essas cinco categorias estabelecidas na investigação (branca, preta, amarela, parda e indígena) também podem ser entendidas pelo informante de forma variável.

No entanto, a pessoa pardada, por exemplo, é definida como aquela "que se declarar parDA ou que se identifique com mistura de duas ou mais opções de cor ou raça, incluindo branca,

etnica e pertença comunitário. entre

indígena". Já a amarela é definida como "pessoa de origem oriental: japonesa, chinesa, coreana, etc".

Maiores populações

Segundo o instituto, o município que concentra a maior população amarela, São Paulo, com 238.603, tendo em vista que ela é, inclusive, a cidade brasileira mais populosa do país. A segunda colocada, Curitiba (PR) tem um número 10 vezes menor: 23.635.

São Paulo lidera ainda quando considerados outros

nessa lista: os povos indígenas. A capital paulista fica fica de fora até mesmo das três colocações, ocupadas apenas por municípios do Amazonas.

Pessoas indígenas

Em números absolutos

Manaus (AM): 71.691São Gabriel da Cachoeira ( AM): 48.256Tabatinga (am): 34.497

Por porcentagem

Uiramutã (RR): 96,6%Santa Isabel do Rio Negro (M):96,2%SãoGabriel da cachoeira (

11,5%Bastos (SP): 10,3%Uraí (PR): 5,9%

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    Poker hand

    This article is about poker terminology relating to drawing cards or drawing

    hands. For the variant of poker, see draw poker

    A poker player is drawing if they have

    a hand that is incomplete and needs further cards to become valuable. The hand itself

    is called a draw or drawing hand. For example, in seven-card stud, if four of a

    player's first five cards are all spades, but the hand is otherwise weak, they are

    drawing to a flush. In contrast, a made hand already has value and does not necessarily

    need to draw to win. A made starting hand with no help can lose to an inferior starting

    hand with a favorable draw. If an opponent has a made hand that will beat the player's

    draw, then the player is drawing dead; even if they make their desired hand, they will

    lose. Not only draws benefit from additional cards; many made hands can be improved by

    catching an out – and may have to in order to win.

    Outs [ edit ]

    An unseen card that

    would improve a drawing hand to a likely winner is an out. Playing a drawing hand has a

    positive expectation if the probability of catching an out is greater than the pot odds

    offered by the pot.

    The probability P 1 {\displaystyle P_{1}} of catching an out with

    one card to come is:

    P 1 = o u t s u n s e e n c a r d s {\displaystyle P_{1}={\frac

    {\mathrm {outs} }{\mathrm {unseen} \,\,\mathrm {cards} }}}

    The probability P 2

    {\displaystyle P_{2}} of catching at least one out with two cards to come is:

    P 2 = 1 -

    n o n o u t s u n s e e n c a r d s × n o n o u t s - 1 u n s e e n c a r d s - 1

    {\displaystyle P_{2}=1-{\frac {\mathrm {non} \,\mathrm {outs} }{\mathrm {unseen}

    \,\,\mathrm {cards} }}\times {\frac {\mathrm {non} \,\mathrm {outs} -1}{\mathrm

    {unseen} \,\,\mathrm {cards} -1}}}

    n o n o u t s = u n s e e n c a r d s - o u t s

    {\displaystyle \mathrm {non} \,\mathrm {outs} ={\mathrm {unseen} \,\,\mathrm {cards}

    }-\mathrm {outs} }

    Outs One Card % Two Card % One Card Odds Two Card Odds Draw Type 1

    2% 4% 46 23 Backdoor Straight or Flush (Requires two cards) 2 4% 8% 22 12 Pocket Pair

    to Set 3 7% 13% 14 7 One Overcard 4 9% 17% 10 5 Inside Straight / Two Pair to Full

    House 5 11% 20% 8 4 One Pair to Two Pair or Set 6 13% 24% 6.7 3.2 No Pair to Pair / Two

    Overcards 7 15% 28% 5.6 2.6 Set to Full House or Quads 8 17% 32% 4.7 2.2 Open Straight

    9 19% 35% 4.1 1.9 Flush 10 22% 38% 3.6 1.6 Inside Straight & Two Overcards 11 24% 42%

    3.2 1.4 Open Straight & One Overcard 12 26% 45% 2.8 1.2 Flush & Inside Straight / Flush

    & One Overcard 13 28% 48% 2.5 1.1 14 30% 51% 2.3 0.95 15 33% 54% 2.1 0.85 Flush & Open

    Straight / Flush & Two Overcards 16 34% 57% 1.9 0.75 17 37% 60% 1.7 0.66


    A dead out

    is a card that would normally be considered an out for a particular drawing hand, but

    should be excluded when calculating the probability of catching an out. Outs can be

    dead for two reasons:

    A dead out may work to improve an opponent's hand to a superior

    hand. For example, if Ted has a spade flush draw and Alice has an outside straight

    draw, any spades that complete Alice's straight are dead outs because they would also

    give Ted a flush.

    A dead out may have already been seen. In some game variations such

    as stud poker, some of the cards held by each player are seen by all players.

    Types of

    draws [ edit ]

    Flush draw [ edit ]

    A flush draw, or four flush, is a hand with four

    cards of the same suit that may improve to a flush. For example, K? 9? 8? 5? x. A flush

    draw has nine outs (thirteen cards of the suit less the four already in the hand). If a

    player has a flush draw in Hold'em, the probability to flush the hand in the end is

    34.97 percent if there are two more cards to come, and 19.56 percent (9 live cards

    divided by 46 unseen cards) if there is only one more card to come.

    Outside straight

    draw [ edit ]

    An outside straight draw, also called up and down, double-ended straight

    draw or open-ended straight draw, is a hand with four of the five needed cards in

    sequence (and could be completed on either end) that may improve to a straight. For

    example, x-9-8-7-6-x. An outside straight draw has eight outs (four cards to complete

    the top of the straight and four cards to complete the bottom of the straight).

    Straight draws including an ace are not outside straight draws, because the straight

    can only be completed on one end (has four outs).

    Inside straight draw [ edit ]


    inside straight draw, or gutshot draw or belly buster draw, is a hand with four of the

    five cards needed for a straight, but missing one in the middle. For example,

    9-x-7-6-5. An inside straight draw has four outs (four cards to fill the missing

    internal rank). Because straight draws including an ace only have four outs, they are

    also considered inside straight draws. For example, A-K-Q-J-x or A-2-3-4-x. The

    probability of catching an out for an inside straight draw is half that of catching an

    out for an outside straight draw.

    Double inside straight draw [ edit ]

    A double inside

    straight draw, or double gutshot draw or double belly buster draw can occur when either

    of two ranks will make a straight, but both are "inside" draws. For example, in 11-card

    games, 9-x-7-6-5-x-3, or 9-8-x-6-5-x-3-2, or in Texas Hold'em when holding 9-J hole

    cards on a 7-10-K flop. The probability of catching an out for a double inside straight

    draw is the same as for an outside straight draw.

    Other draws [ edit ]

    Sometimes a made

    hand needs to draw to a better hand. For example, if a player has two pair or three of

    a kind, but an opponent has a straight or flush, to win the player must draw an out to

    improve to a full house (or four of a kind). There are a multitude of potential

    situations where one hand needs to improve to beat another, but the expected value of

    most drawing plays can be calculated by counting outs, computing the probability of

    winning, and comparing the probability of winning to the pot odds.

    Backdoor draw [ edit


    A backdoor draw, or runner-runner draw, is a drawing hand that needs to catch two

    outs to win. For example, a hand with three cards of the same suit has a backdoor flush

    draw because it needs two more cards of the suit. The probability P r r {\displaystyle

    P_{rr}} of catching two outs with two cards to come is:

    P r r = o u t s u n s e e n c a

    r d s × o u t s - 1 u n s e e n c a r d s - 1 {\displaystyle P_{rr}={\frac {\mathrm

    {outs} }{\mathrm {unseen} \,\,\mathrm {cards} }}\times {\frac {\mathrm {outs}

    -1}{\mathrm {unseen} \,\,\mathrm {cards} -1}}}

    For example, if after the flop in Texas

    hold 'em, a player has a backdoor flush draw (e.g., three spades), the probability of

    catching two outs on the turn and river is (10 ÷ 47) × (9 ÷ 46) = 4.16 percent.

    Completing backdoor draws is generally unlikely; the probability of seeing two out of

    seven outs on the turn and river is roughly the same as completing a draw with only out

    on either the turn or the river (1/47 + 1/46 = 4.3%). A backdoor outside straight draw

    (such as J-10-9) is equally likely as a backdoor flush, but any other 3-card straight

    draw (such as J-8-7) is less likely than getting a specific card after the flop,

    calculated above.

    Drawing dead [ edit ]

    A player is said to be drawing dead when the

    hand he hopes to complete will nonetheless lose to a player who already has a better

    one. For example, drawing to a straight or flush when the opponent already has a full

    house. In games with community cards, the term can also refer to a situation where no

    possible additional community card draws results in a win for a player. (This may be

    because another player has folded the cards that would complete his hand, his

    opponent's hand is already stronger than any hand he can possibly draw to or that the

    card that completes his hand also augments his opponent's.)

    See also [ edit ]


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Current commentators
Professional Poker Tour
The Travel Channel
Matt Corboy and Mark Seif
National Heads-Up Poker Championship
Matt Vasgersian and Gabe Kaplan
Poker Dome Challenge
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Barry Tompkins and Michael Konik
Poker After Dark
NBC; PokerGO
Oliver Nejad and weekly guests
WPT Alpha8\n\n WPT Alpha8, World Poker Tour's new series of super high-roller poker tournaments, airs on Fox Sports 1 Mondays at 9 p.m. EST (6 p.m. PST). The coverage is anchored by Lynn Gilmartin, and co-hosts Ali Nejad and high-stakes poker player Olivier Busquet provide expert commentary of the game.

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